Good Practices - Script Applications & Readers
The goal of the document below, which has been created by Jenna K. Rodgers (VP of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) and Phaedra Michelle Scott (VP of Programs) is to collect good practices that we can share with our community of dramaturgs. While LMDA realizes the scope of a dramaturg’s work is wide, we’ve collected a series of practices that reflect common projects/experiences that a dramaturg might encounter. These
currently include:
● Good practices for script application process (how to write the call, what does the
application ask for, how to use inclusive language, who to include in your group of
readers, how much to pay, etc).
● Good practices for script readers, following the application process.

To view the document, click here.

If you have questions or comments about the document, please e-mail:

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