Transmissão ao vivo de um painel: dramaturgos sob o radar (International News) Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas apresenta a conversa Playwrights Under the Radar transmitindo ao vivo na rede de TV HowlRound produzida por pares em na quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2022, às 9h PDT (San Francisco, UTC -7) / 11h CDT (Chicago, UTC -5) / 12:00 EDT (Nova York, UTC -4). Dramaturgos Sob o Radar é um evento anual da LMDA International Performing Arts Conference.

Welcome Our New Executive Committee!!

Join us in welcoming our2022-2024 LMDA Executive Committee!President, Lynde Rosario: sets the agenda for the organization; nominates and supports the work of the LMDA Executive; provides vision for the organization, its programming,  and conferences; and represents LMDA to other organizations.  Past President, Bryan Moore: provides leadership continuity and institutional knowledge, and undertakes specific past president projects to be determined  at the beginning of term.  President-Elect, TBD 2023: shadows the President and formulates a new two-year plan and Executive slate.  President, LM

Final Week of Early Bird Discount for Conference!

For over 20 years, LMDA has been at the forefront of creating connections, building bridges, and supporting the rigorous exchange of ideas across the performing arts in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. While LMDA was originally an organization for literary managers and dramaturgs, it has bloomed into an in-person and virtual platform that supports all dramaturgically-minded performing artists and administrators - no matter how they identify in terms of artistic labels or where they live.Early Bird Registration rates end on May 31. Register now to save $25-75 on Conference packages.

LMDA Conference Scholars Announced!

LMDA has announced their 2022 Conference Scholarships which are awarded to dramaturgs who are working to advance the field of dramaturgy as well as supporting the advancements of other artists in the performing arts. "As someone early in my dramaturgy career, attending the LMDA conference was particularly useful for meeting new colleagues and potential mentors as I forge my professional identity and investigate what really interests me in my field.

Conference Registration Opens!

PRESS RELEASE Registration Opens March 232022 LMDA International ConferenceOnline & In-Person in Philadelphia Conference poster designed by Philadelphia artist Keni Thomas AKA ThomCat23, artist-in-residence at the Cherry Street Pier.  Download high res image of poster here. High res, publication-ready photographs of previous Conferences can be downloaded here. The Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA) will open registration for their 2022 International LMDA Conference next Wednesday.


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